2024.4 Release Notes

Build Number: 2024.4.0.11 Last updated: 23/10/2024

What's New in 2024.4

Ecoverse Experience

The Following features are Ecoverse Experience enablers that may be behind a feature flag and not expected to be enabled (independent of an N-central release) until later in Q3 2024.

  • Integration of new asset view into N-central

  • New components to display cloud served views and supporting elements in N-central

  • Permissions information (Roles and Access Groups) from N-central to N-able cloud services

  • Transfer of customized device information to the asset view cloud service

  • Linking cloud-based asset view to N-central single device details page

  • Linking cloud service asset view to selected devices in N-central All Devices view

  • Linking N-central integrated Take Control integrated from cloud asset view

  • N-central server mapping service to support linking from asset view across N-central multiple servers

  • Capture audit events from Fusion Asset view user actions, in N-central

  • Transfer and update SO, Customer, and Site info from N-central to Eco-verse services

  • N-central Asset view N-able Login (SSO) token support

We expect these features to be available over time but actual timeline and order are subject to a number of factors and are subject to change.

New data models in N-central Analytics Direct Data Access

We're happy to share the new data domains available in Direct Data Access for N-central Analytics! Seven fact tables for the following new data domains are available to use with new and previously released dimension tables:

  • Device Incident

  • Network Error and Packet Loss

  • OS Reboot and Uptime History

  • OS Reboot and Uptime Latest

  • Hardware: Physical Storage

  • Hardware: Video Controller

  • Remote Execution/Automation Engine

REST API Endpoint Additions

There REST API endpoint additions in 2024.4 include:

  • Added "Select" query parameter to Device List endpoint to allow for querying for a specific set of devices using RSQL (https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)

  • Added "/api/appliance-tasks/{taskid} that will allow for getting more details around service-monitoring tasks. An example would be to get more details around Agent last check-in time from the Agent Status monitoring task.

  • Added new "scope" to "/api/device-filters" to allow for retrieving ALL filters, not just the ones made available in the UI drop-down menu.

  • Added "/api/org-units/{orgunit}/registration-token endpoint to allow for getting the org unit registration token for automatic Agent installs.

Bug Fixes

There are many bug fixes included in this build. Be sure to review the full list of included updates below for more details.

Post GA releases

Here's a breakdown of our new features and updates released since the GA version of N-central.

Now Available: N-central adds Microsoft Entra ID authentication provider to N-able login

Released: 23/10/2024

N-central now supports Microsoft Entra ID as a part of its single sign on capabilities provided by N-able Login starting with N-central 2024.4. Not only can you configure and manage N-able Login within N-central, but now you can add support to Microsoft Entra ID creating a seamless experience across N-central, other N-able products and resources, as well as any other systems partners have standardized their identity management with Entra ID.

The introduction of Entra ID into N-able Login will provide partners, and their staff added efficiency reducing the time it takes to move and shift across their tech stack in addition to N-able products.

For more information, see N-able Login (with or without Microsoft Entra ID).

N-central Apple Agent v1.11.1

Released: 7/10/2024

This new agent improves the out of box memory monitoring service.

In current agent versions memory usage calculations would differ considerably from that of Activity Monitoring thus making diagnosis confusing and often inaccurate including failing for high thresholds when not necessary.

This new agent’s improved calculations will both lower unnecessary alerts and more closely mirror the types of tools technicians use to investigate memory issues.

Analytics UI enhancements

Released: 20/8/2024

We've added a new tab, SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT in Analytics. It allows you to see a list of all schedules created for your dashboards. They are now all in one place rather than having to navigate to the specific dashboard and editing the schedule from there. There's also a new scheduling cadence, 'quarterly'.

Upgrade Paths and Notes

To upgrade to N-able N-central 2024.4, your N-able N-central server must be running the following version:

  • N-able N-central 2023.4.0.32

  • N-able N-central 2023.5.0.12

  • N-able N-central 2023.6.0.9

  • N-able N-central 2023.7.0.10+

  • N-able N-central 2023.8.0.11+

  • N-able N-central 2023.9.0.25

  • N-able N-central 2023.9.0.26

  • N-able N-central 2023.9.1.30

  • N-able N-central 2024.1.0.17

  • N-able N-central 2024.2.0.18

  • N-able N-central 2024.2.0.20

  • N-able N-central 2024.3.0.16

Note the following when upgrading N-able N-central.

Tasks may expire if the agent on an associated device is being upgraded when the task is scheduled to be completed. Agent upgrades are normally short in duration but a delay may happen if a device re-start is pending.

Included updates in N-able N-central

N-central 2024.4 GA

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2023.9, please note that because of the PostgreSQL upgrade included with N-central 2023.9, on-premise partners can expect this upgrade to take longer than previous upgrades may have. Please do NOT reboot your N-central server if the upgrade appears to be stuck. Please check the server console for error messages, or contact Support and they can advise on the progress and status of the upgrade.

Category Summary Item
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - N-central Asset view N-able Login (SSO)token support NCCF-292373
Core EDR Housekeeping Crashes if One of the Devices Returns a Failed Response NCCF-292055
Core Redirect user to SSO login page when refresh token is expired NCCF-292172
Core Server performance issues related to Jetty crashes with SIGSEGV caused by virtual threads NCCF-285540
Core Training Videos Link change in N-central to navigate to the N-able U Product Training Site NCCF-282331
Core Agent status shows failed on Linux devices after upgrading NCCF-280227
Core Capture addition log for probe discovery data submission NCCF-272214
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - N-central server mapping service to support linking from asset view across N-central multiple servers NCCF-269141
Core Agent Install fails due to CRL Download error in closed environments NCCF-267299
Core Exception caused by UserLoginLogoutAuditInterceptor when creating new users NCCF-266612
Core Increase PublisherProvider NettyChannelBuilder channelBuilder Inbound Message Size NCCF-258330
Core Dashboard performance improvements NCCF-254636
Core Extend setting proxy_server environment to reactive tools NCCF-250695
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - Capture audit events from Fusion Asset view user actions, in N-central NCCF-246430
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - Linking N-central integrated Take Control integrated from cloud asset view NCCF-246421
Core Pendo is not initializing correctly on first login, causing disruptions to Pendo guides in product NCCF-243748
Core EDR feature icon status showing "reboot required" even though the S1 Agent does not require a reboot NCCF-243064
Core Refactor DataKeeper to prevent issues with locking and synchronization of the submit queue NCCF-240607
Core Unable to set Default Scan Interval in new NAC For Agent Status NCCF-231679
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - New components to display cloud served views and supporting elements in N-central NCCF-225450
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - Transfer and update SO, Customer, and Site info from N-central to Eco-verse services NCCF-225431
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - Linking cloud based asset view to N-central single device details page NCCF-225418
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - Integration of new asset view into N-central NCCF-225416
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - Permissions information (Roles and Access Groups) from N-central to N-able cloud services NCCF-225414
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - Linking cloud service asset view to selected devices in N-central All Devices view NCCF-225413
Core N-central Eco-verse Experience Enablement - Transfer of customized device information to the asset view cloud service NCCF-225412
Core Wrong error message when trying to connect to SSO provider NCCF-224148
Core EDR migration failing during pre-checks over slow internet connections due to timeout being hardcoded to 1sec NCCF-222001
Core Agent Self-Heal Not Triggering NCCF-221170
Core System Error Generated When Cloning A Rule In A Scheduled Task Profile NCCF-202411
Core Login audit records in auditlog and securityauditlog tables are missing user data when MFA is required NCCF-202299
Core Handle duplicate thirdpartydeviceids in EDR migration device data to prevent orphaned devices after migration NCCF-193963
Core N-central UI does not list the correct ciphers for Compatibility Mode NCCF-32684
Ecosystem Ensure server logs are not being filled with exceptions after the data was migrated with our DNS filter provider KUIP-6060
Mac Add a firewall monitor for Mac Workstations and Mac Laptop devices MSAD-3811
Mac Disable or hide the "Reinstall Agent via DMA?" checkbox when at System level MSAD-3934
Mac Fix issues found with the reset print queue script MSAD-3992
Mac Give user option to choose between DMA and probe when reinstalling Apple agents MSAD-3821
Mac Improve logging/error message when mobile invitation has been reached or deleted when importing mobile devices MSAD-3984
Mac Improve mobile device imports to handle invalid invitations MSAD-3998
Mac `Laptops - Mac` device class addition is causing issues with saving changes to Remote Connection Defaults MSAD-4048
Mac Improve PSA integration wording to reference Halo PSA where needed MSAD-4006
Mac Send 'Install agent' command instantly rather than with ABM devices MSAD-3787
Mac Fix for Mac 'run managed patch" report not reporting data MSAD-3941
Mac Fix for mobile device column filter persistence in DMA MSAD-4002
Mac Fix Mac process control within tools being greyed out on agent 1.10+ MSAD-3950
Mac Fix Mobile Device 'Managed By' and 'Supervision' column display issues MSAD-3929
Patch Management Improve patch vulnerability submissions to db to prevent performance issues PMCM-8630
Patch Management [NC Server] Add description in patch profile page to mark "Admin only" WU access as deprecated in some environments PMCM-8744
Patch Management [NC Server] Improve efficiency of patch approvals method to prevent timeouts and ensure patches get approved properly PMCM-8844
Patch Management [NC server][UI] When cvss base values <1.0 are placed in the patch_vulnerability the leading decimal point is missing PMCM-7766

Known Issues

These items for the current version of the N-able N-central software is composed of material issues significantly impacting performance whose cause has been replicated by N-able and where a fix has not yet been released. The list is not exclusive and does not contain items that are under investigation. Any known limitations set forth herein may not impact every customer environment. The N-able N-central software is being provided as it operates today. Any potential modifications, including a specific bug fix or any potential delivery of the same, are not considered part of the current N-able N-central software and are not guaranteed.

Agents & Probes



Communication issues may be encountered for N-able N-central Probes installed on Windows servers that have multiple NICs. For more information, refer to 'KBA20020:ConfiguringAServer WithMultipleNICs' in the online Help.


Automation Manager



Running Automation Manager Policies created using Automation Manager 1.6 or earlier may result in Failed to create an EndDate ... errors if the Policies are run on a computer using a different date format. This issue does not affect Policies created using Automation Manager 1.7 or later.


Custom Services



Custom services may appear as misconfigured when the system locale of the device is not set to English. For example, in Portuguese the default decimal in c#/.net is not a period, ".", it is a comma, ",". If you are having this issue, please contact N-able Technical Support.


Core Functionality



Installing N-able N-central on Servers that have an Nvidia Video Card

Due to a bug in CentOS 7 with Nvidia's 'Nouveau' driver, installing N-able N-central on servers that have an Nvidia video card may result in the N-able N-central console showing a blank screen, or displaying an Anaconda Installer screen with an error message about the video card driver.


If you have the need to use Conditional Access Policies for your Azure AD/Entra ID linked users, there is a known issue that prevents your users from logging in. We have identified a workaround by using Custom (OpenID Connect) instead. To learn more, click HERE. NCCF-31030

HDM does not work with the 'Last 5 Tickets' widget.





Modifying a Dashboard that is associated with a large number of services may cause performance issues when using the Firefox browser.


PSA Integration



In some instances, tickets closed in PSAs are not being cleared in N-able N-central. This is likely because the ticketing recipient profile in N-able N-central has Do not change the Ticket Status selected (in order to manually configure tickets). Then, when the ticket is removed in the PSA, N-able N-central will not be able to update or resolve the ticket's status and new tickets cannot be created for the same issue. Until a solution is available through the UI for this situation, the work around is to set a Return to Normal status and set a non-used status in the 'updatable statuses' section or set the same status as the return to normal one. This will cause N-able N-central to add a note to the ticket on return to normal but will not alter the ticket's status. This will allow the stale ticket check to remove the ticket from the system.





When Cove Data Protection is installed on a device, the device details view will not light up the Cove icon in the features row correctly. NCCF-162108

After re-naming, the Names of files or Registry entries may not be displayed properly in the File System window and the Registry window of the Tools tab when using Internet Explorer.